Probewell | WT Series | What is Four Quadrant test (4 Quad Test)?

What is Four Quadrant test (4 Quad Test)?

What is a Four Quadrant test?
The Four Quadrant test is an automatic test sequence that can be used to assess the meter’s ability to register energy in all four quadrants of the power vector diagram.
The Four Quadrant Test runs an equivalent of the Quick Test followed by custom sub-tests for VAR testing.
Probewell allows 2 types of tests (Wh and VARh) to be performed via the Probewell Connect 2.0 app.

An Optical Pickup must be installed on the WT series tester

4 QUAD Test (Wh)

How does it work?
  1. For these sub-tests, the measurement mode is in Watthour.
  2. Default test angles are predefined in the application.
  3. The important column to verify the test results is the third column in % with the Weight Average (WT) parameter.

Quadrant 1: The three type of load are tested for all phases.
The High Load (HL) is settled @ 0 deg angle, Power Factor (PF) is settled @ 60 deg angle and Light Load (LL) is settled @ 0 deg angle. Energy result in Wh is positive.

Quadrant 3: The three type of load are tested.
High Load (HL) is settled @ 180 deg angle, Power Factor (PF) is settled @ 240 deg angle and Light Load (LL) is settled @ 180 deg angle. Energy result in Wh is negative.

Quadrant 2: Only the Power Factor (PF) settled @ 120 deg angle is tested. Energy result in Wh is negative.

Quadrant 4: Only the Power Factor (PF) settled @ 300 deg angle is tested. Energy result in Wh is positive.

4 QUAD Test (VARh)

How does it work?

    1. For these sub-tests, the measurement mode is in VARhour and only the Power Factor (PF) is tested.
    2. Default test angles are predefined in the application.
    3. The important column to verify the test results is the third column in % with the Weight Average (WT) parameter.

    Quadrant 1: Power Factor (PF) is settled @ 30 deg angle. Energy result in VARh is positive.

    Quadrant 3: Power Factor (PF) is settled @ 210 deg angle. Energy result in VARh is negative.
    Quadrant 2: Power Factor (PF) is settled @ 150 deg angle. Energy result in VARh is positive.

    Quadrant 4: Power Factor (PF) is settled @ 330 deg angle. Energy result in VARh is negative.

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